sreda, 25. september 2019

Sexy Bow Girl

 Po poletnih počitnicah se zopet vračamo na blogu  Fab'n'Funky z novim izzivom. Tema izziva je , da izdelate izdelek za Božič ali Novo leto
Tudi tokrat nimamo sponzorja, ampak vseeno želimo, da sodelujete in se potegujete za značko top3.


Tokrat sem se odločila, da izdelam malce izzivalno voščilnico, ki bo razveselila marsikaterega moš, vsaj upam. Uporabila sem motiv Sexy Bow Girl od KennyK. Na mojo veliko žalost niso več v prodaji in Kenijeve motive zelo pogrešam.

Pridružite se našemu izzivu in si za navdih oglejte voščilnice ostalih članic našega tima.

7 komentarjev:

  1. Fabulous job on this Kenny K image. Your shading is great. [Bunny]``

  2. Love this Eva, I love Kenny K images. Thank you for sharing with us over here at Cute as a Button Challenge and best of luck with your entry.

    Wendy DT Member for

  3. Beautiful card. Thank you for joining us at Creative Craft Cottage challenge good luck. Have a nice day
    Anneke DT

  4. Super card and lovely colouring! Thanks for joining us at Passion for Promarkers this week, good luck, Juliexx

  5. Great card, fab colouring of your saucy image! Thanks for joining us at Passion for Promarkers and good luck!

  6. Beautiful Christmas card with a super the wreath you have made. Thank you for joining in the S and T challenge at ABC Christmas Challenge.
    Dorte x

  7. Yes such a shame that KennyK Stamps images are no longer available. You have made a great card with this one. Thank you for joining in at CHNC with the Anything Goes with optional twist to include the word Joy. Apologies for the late comment.
