nedelja, 11. november 2018

Nutcracker Light The Way

Tokrat nisem vezana na izziv in sem izdelala voščilnico samo za svojo dušo s prelepim motivom "Nutcracker Light The Way".

Fotografija osebe Cindy van Oorschot.


9 komentarjev:

  1. This is stunning Neva, gorgeous image and beautifully coloured. Marlene

  2. WHat a delightful image and such a pretty Christmas card, many thanks for sharing with us at Stamping Sensations challenge.

    B x

  3. Such a fabulous card and the image is beautifully coloured. Thank you for playing along at Polkadoodles Crafting, good luck and I hope you will join us gain.
    Gina xx

  4. A beautiful card and your colouring is stunning, thanks for joining us at Crafty Catz this week, x

  5. This is so gorgeous Neva - I just love that pretty image xx

  6. A gorgeous card. Your image is coloured beautifully and I love your flower embellishment. Thank you for sharing your beautiful make with us over at Polkadoodles Crafting and hope you will join us again.
    Take care,
    Ann-Marie (DT)

  7. Še ena simpatična in ljubka, da se nasmehnem. Prekrasna čestitka in čipka ! Hvala, da sodeluješ.
    Veana R.- DT Card Mania Challenge

  8. Beautiful!Thank you for joining at Stamping Sensations this month

  9. She is a cutie. Love the color combo and the accents you chose .. Thanks for playing along with us this fortnight at Colour Crazy Challenge. AJ DT CCC
