ponedeljek, 14. maj 2018

My Sweet Rose

Dva tedna sta naokoli in na blogu Dream Valley imamo nov izziv. Tokrat bi radi videli vaše izdelke v barvah poletja.
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Sponzor izziva je Star Stampz.

Star Stampz Designs

who are offering 3 Digital Stamps
of the winner's choice

Za svojo voščilnico sem uporabila sponzorjev motiv My Sweet Rose .

Pridružite se našemu izzivu in si za navdih oglejte voščilnice ostalih članic našega tima.

5 komentarjev:

  1. Very beautiful; gorgeous colours!
    Thank you for joining us at The Colour Crazy Challenge! Jane S (DT) xxx

  2. Lovely entry for our challenge at Crafty Catz this week and dont forget we have a GDT call for June running till the end of this challenge. Good luck

  3. Love the dimension and texture on this card, created by the embossing and embellishments.
    Glad you stopped by at 613 Avenue Create.
    Hugs Sheryl DT member xx

  4. Beautiful card, love the yellow and blue combo. Thank you for joining us for our Week 19 'Anything Goes' Challenge at Polkadoodles. Hugs Lisa xxx

  5. Beautiful card thank you for sharing with us at Creative Craft Cottage
    Lyn - DT


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