Blog Come and Get It je deloval 4 let in jaz sem se mu pridružila avgusta 2014 s temo izziva Back to School . To je bil tudi moj prvi DT blog in res sem hvaležna Cindy, da me je res toplo sprejela v svoj tim .
Sponzorji zadnjega izziva so :

winner of a $12:00 in free images

Cute as a Button
winner to receive 3 images

My Besties
2 winners each receiving 3 images

Paper Nest Dolls
2 winners each receiving 3 images

Pickled Potpourri
Winner to receive $7.00 worth of Images

Winner to receive 3 images

Sasayaki Glitter
Winner to receive 1 image

Tokrat sem se odločila, da okrasim darilno vrečko. Izbrala sem prelepi motiv Besties Lil Rasca.
Pridružite se našemu zadnjemu izzivu in za navdih oglejte voščilnice ostalih članic našega tima.
Izzivi: promarkers
Neva, želim se vam zahvaliti za prijateljstvo in za vse lepe stvaritve, ki ste jih naredili v zadnjih treh letih. smo dejansko imeli blog od leta 2011, vendar so bili vdori v začetku leta 2014, zato je blog videti veliko mlajši, kot je bil naš prvi izziv aprila 2011.
OdgovoriIzbrišiKakorkoli, jaz sem blagoslovljen, da ste kot prijatelj. Želim si vse najboljše.
Neva, zelo lepo si okrasila darilno vrečko. Odtisek je več kot popolno pobarvan. Kar se barvanja tiče sem vedno brez besed in si samo želim da se ti nekoč čimbolj približam. Kljub ukinjenemu izzivu upam, da nas boš še naprej tako pogosto razveseljevala s svojim barvanjem.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThat bag is so pretty, I would have a hard time giving it away. It's such a beauty. Your coloring is perfect and the embellishments are wonderful. Such a great job. Thanks for sharing your talent at Penny's Paper Crafty challenge.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThis is so beautiful! I love the gorgeous design and the tones of blue are so pretty! Thank you for sharing with us at Fussy and Fancy, good luck and I hope you will join us again.
Gina xx
What a lovely card Thank you for joining us at I ♥ ProMarkers challenge blog. We love seeing your wonderful makes hope to see you next time big hugs and good luck. From Sharon DT member xxx
OdgovoriIzbrišiThis is just g, I really love the design and pretty colours and the image is so cute...
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks for sharing with us at the CRAFT challenge this week...x
Hi, Neva! What a gorgeous gift bag, the ribbon and lace trim are so pretty! I love the cute image, too, her expression is so funny!
OdgovoriIzbrišiTake care!
love Mags B x
Beautiful gift bag, Neva. I'm sure it will be appreciated almost as much as the gift. Thanks so much for playing along with us at CRAFT Challenge!
OdgovoriIzbrišiWhat a lovely decorated bag you have made here which fits perfectly the Colour Crazy Challenge this week. Thank you for entering and best wishes in the draw. Kym (Colour Crazy Challenge Guest Designer).
OdgovoriIzbrišiSuch a beautiful image and bag. I love your coloring. Thanks for joining us at Creatalicious Challenge. Good Luck, Maggie, DT
OdgovoriIzbrišiwhat a cute gift bag. Thank you for sharing it with us at Creatalicious Challenges. Hope to see you next time.
OdgovoriIzbrišixx Grietje
Grietje's Kaartenhoekje
Creatalicious Challenges DT
Wonderful creation!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks for playing at Card Mania Challenge.
A wonderful bag!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you soo much for taking part in our "anything goes with optional flourishes” challenge over at Creatalicious & good luck in the draw.
Hope to see you again in our new challenge as well…
(DT-Coordinator Creatalicious Challenges)
(DT Crafty Friends)
(DT The Sketchy Challenges)
PS: Sorry for the late comment, life had been very busy these past weeks…