torek, 3. januar 2017

Eva in Žan

Kar nekaj voščilnic za RD sem izdelala v mesecu decembru. Med njimi sta tudi moja dva sončka, Žan je strelec in je praznoval 20. decembra sladkih 21 let.


Eva pa je kozoroginja in je praznovala 27. decembra. Všeč ji je vse , kar malo "vleče" na Indijo in zato je tudi voščilnica v tem stilu.


Renata je praznovala konec meseca decembra in  ji še tukaj želim vse naj naj....


25 komentarjev:

  1. Vse so krasne, še posebej pa me je navdušila prva, pri kateri si dodala ročno napisane napise... Bravo!

  2. I love this cute image with the painter..gorgeous card.
    Thank you for sharing with us over here today at the Classic Open Design Team Challenge and best of luck with your entry.

    Chrissy DT

  3. So glad you could join in our challenge at passion for Promarkers this week with your gorgeous card, I love the image and embossing.
    Lorraine DT

  4. Adorable cards! Such sweet images!!

    Thank you very much for joining us this week at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge Blog!


  5. Vse tri so čudovite. Žanova, z rokopisom, pa izstopa v izvirnosti. :-)
    Naj se ti še tukaj zahvalim za lepotičko z lepimi željami, ki je prispela v naš dom. :-)

  6. All beautiful cards and love the images -----Thank you for joining us at 613 Avenue Create
    Carol DT x

  7. Fantastic. I love it. Nice work.

    Thank you for sharing with us over here at Classic Design Team Open Challenge and best of luck with your entry.
    [Annette Registered Owner/Admin for Classic Design Team Challenge]

  8. Cute birthday card, love how you personalized it. Thank you for sharing with us at the C.R.A.F.T. Challenge. - Myrna DT

  9. A great creation for our Something New challenge at Allsorts, many thanks for joining in.

    B x

  10. These are gorgeous, hun! I always admire your lovely colouring. I can't remember if I thanked you for the Christmas card - so I'll just add : Thank you very much!

    Also, thanks for joining in at CRAFT Challenge!

    Happy New Year! x

    love Mags B DT x

  11. Prekrasna je
    vse dobro v tem letu ti želim Neva
    hvala za vse tvoje komentarje na mojem blogu
    lp Tamara

  12. Le komu ne bi bile všeč, saj si vsaki dodala nekaj tistega pravega "žmohta". Je pa na roko napisano res tisto, ki zna vsaka ampak si ne je dosti bolje in osebno, kot pa vsaka štampiljka in napis (res smo hecni a ne??)

  13. Lovely cards.
    Thank you for sharing at Allsorts 'Something New' challenge this week and good luck x Susan x

  14. Wonderful cards!
    Thank you so much for sharing with us at Allsorts this week.

  15. How cute is he & always brilliant colouring & layout.

    Thanks for hoining us at sparkles monthly challenge

    Tracey DT

  16. Krasne so. Zadnja pa sploh, saj je moja. Hvala ti.

  17. Lovely cards, all have great focal images and are colored beautifully. Thank you so much for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. Hugs, Sandra

  18. Thanks for sharing your card with us here at I Love Promarkers,beautifully coloured image great card,Lyn DT.

  19. Krasne so, vsaka zase nekaj posebnega in unikatnega...

  20. Gorgeous card Neva. I love the image and your colouring is perfect. Thanks for sharing with us at PFP this week. Hugs, Denise x

  21. Wonderful card! Love the image and the design!
    Thank you for sharing with us over here today at the Classic Open Design Team Challenge and best of luck with your entry.

    Veronique DT for

  22. What a great selection of cards, all very different but fabulous. Love the embossing and sequins on the second one - gives a real feel of India. Thank you for sharing them with us at Passion for Promarkers , good luck in the prize draw and I hope you'll join us again very soon,
    Love Jacky x
    Passion For Promarkers DT

  23. Lovely cards!
    Thanks for joining us at the Card Mania Challenge, I hope to see you back again next month:)
    Marzena DT

  24. Great cards! Thanks for sharing at Cute As A Button!
