torek, 12. avgust 2014

Hip hop

Tokrat sem izdelala voščilnico za svojo dušo. Zelo rada barvam odtiske od Kennya.
Izdelala sem jo za izziv

5 komentarjev:

  1. What a fabulous creation. Your coloring is outstanding!

  2. A fab and funky card, love the image that you've coloured to perfection. Thanks for joining us this week at Art by Miran for our 12th Anything Goes challenge. Kerry, DT xx

  3. What a darling card!!! And it is so dimensional!!! Creative!!! Thanks for joining us at the Aret by Mr Ran Challenge and we hope to see you again real soon!! Hugs...Jacque

  4. Fantastic!!! Love the brick wall! Thanks for joining us at KennyK's Krafty Krew!
    Team B{iker Girl}

  5. Amazing! Love your colouring, the brick wall and the cool background!
    Thank you for sharing and joining us at KennyK's Krafty Krew!
    Hugs Annette
    Team A(ll That)


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