sreda, 31. oktober 2018

You Drive Me Batty

Ta teden imamo na blogu Fab'n'Funky Challenges nov izziv. Tema je Halloween . Tokrat nimamo sponzorja , ampak vseeno želimo, da se pridružite našemu izzivu.


Za svojo voščilnico sem uporabila motiv You Drive Me Batty .

Pridružite se našemu izzivu in si za navdih oglejte voščilnice ostalih članic našega tima.

11 komentarjev:

  1. Kot vedno sem tudi tokrat ostala brez besed ob tvoji voščilnici.Prekrasna je in tvoje barvanje...želim si,da bi sama znala samo pol toliko lepo barvati kot ti.

  2. This is fab neva - just love the colours and all those lovely die cuts xx

  3. Super card and a great image, thanks for joining us at MAWTT. Xxxxx

  4. This is so cute. Thanks for joining us at Crafty Creations. Anna-Karin DT

  5. This card is just so funky and quirky, love the colour and imagination in this card. I have recently found a bat colony near my house, absolutely fascinating.Thanks so much for sharing your creation at the

    November 2018 Anything goes link-up at Just Keep On Creating.

  6. Hi Neva,
    oh I love this wonderful card and that image is so brilliantly created.
    My that spider looks so realistic.
    Thank you for joining the MAWTT Challenge.
    Lots of crafty love. Jenny L. DT

  7. Gorgeous card Neva! The image is so cute.
    Thanks for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge
    Mandy xx

  8. Amazing colour Neva. Your card design is fabulous. Love it. Hugs, Wends xoxo

  9. Very clourful & cute sweetie. Thank you so much for sharing your lovely creation with us at Spakles Monthly Challenges.
    Cathy DT Member

  10. A fabulous Halloween project, your colouring is amazing. Thank you for joining us over at Sparkles Monthly Challenges and I do hope you'll join us again soon,
    Love Jacky x
    Sparkles DT

  11. Such a fun card! Please bear in mind that our rules state you should include our graphic in your blog post to be eligible for the prize or being a top pick. Thank you for joining us at Cupcake Inspirations - Charlotte/Lady Joyful, DT (PS, sorry for how long it's taken me to comment. Life got a bit crazy!)
