sreda, 15. avgust 2018

Butterfly Whisperer

Dva tedna sta naokoli in na blogu Creatalicious Challenges imamo nov izziv...nekaj kar ni kvadratno ali pravokotno.

Sponzor izziva je The Paper Shelter.

Prize - $15 Gift Certificate

Tokrat sem se lotila izdelave tagca in uporabila sponzorjev prelep motiv Butterfly Whisperer .

Pridružite se našemu izzivu in si za navdih oglejte voščilnice ostalih članic našega tima.


8 komentarjev:

  1. A really magical creation and a lovely idea using corrugated as your base layer, many thanks for sharing a 'Favourite Stamp' with us at Stamping Sensations challenge.

    B x

  2. I agree with Brenda that this really is a magical creation. Thank you for sharing it with us at Stamping Sensations and good luck. Sandra x

  3. Gorgeous tag! Such lovely colours. Thanks for sharing it with us at Stamping Sensations.


  4. Great project! Thanks for sharing and joining the fun this month at Crafty Creations Challenges and best of luck to you in the draw. Donna - DT Member

  5. Darling image and it’s so beautiful with the feather detailing, wonderful colors too. Thanks for entering our challenge at Catch the Bug and good luck. Pia, Bugaboo DT member.

  6. Lovely creation. Beautiful use of one of our images. Thanks for joining us at The Paper Shelter this week.

  7. Beautiful colouring - love that hair. This is a very pretty tag.
    Thanks for stopping by at 613 Avenue Create.
    Hugs Sheryl xx

  8. Gorgeous tag. Thanks for joining in this months 'Dots and/or Stripes' challenge over at Crafty Calendar.
    Bev x
