nedelja, 26. marec 2017

Spring Time

Teden je naokoli in na blogu Come and Get It imamo nov izziv. Tokrat bi radi videli vaše izdelke na temo pomlad .

Our Badge

Imamo tri krasne sponzorje :Time for Tea ,Paper-nest-dolls in All dressed up.


Za svojo voščilnico sem si izbrala prekrasen motiv Hippie Chick od sponzorja All dressed up .

Pridružite se našemu izzivu in si za navdih oglejte voščilnice ostalih članic našega tima 😀.


11 komentarjev:

  1. Zelo je lepa, prava pomladna lepotička. Pri nas pa danes ni prav nič pomladno.... upam, da se sonček kmalu vrne.

  2. Hi Eva,
    what a very wonderful card, and your design is so sweet and lovely.
    Super image, and tulip border.
    Thank you for joining the MAWTT Challenge.
    Lots of crafty love. Jenny L. DT

  3. Hi -what a great card. Love the image & the colours you have used,
    Thanks for joining us over at Crafty Calendar this month. Hope to see you again - good luck!
    Bev (DT) x

  4. Wow love your spring design card, beautiful colours and fab detail thaks for sharing with us at all dressed up, hugs Liz xx

  5. Simpatična deklica na krasni voščilnici. Všeč mi je, kako znaš vključiti različne dodatke h glavnemu motivu.

  6. Such a beautiful Spring creation with lovely detail. Thank you for sharing at MAWTT. Beckie x

  7. Gorgeous spring card. Love the cloud background you created behind the image. Very nice. Thank you for sharing with us here today at World Wide Open Design Team Challenge and best of luck with your entry.

    Wanda DT World Wide Open Design Team Challenge

  8. Taka vesela, lepa, pomladna voščilnica. Lp

  9. Neva - the details in your card are stunning. Great layering and colours. judy

  10. Beautiful card and colouring. I love the butterflies! Thanks for playing at All Dressed Up and good luck, Liz (:(|)x

  11. Such a pretty card and I love how you've added extra butterflies with the borders and also the 3D butterflies. Thank you for playing along at All Dressed Up - sorry I'm late in popping round, but life kind of got in the way.
    Helen W (DT) x
