nedelja, 6. december 2015


Moj partner bo v torek praznoval 61. RD. Ponavadi mu izdelam voščilnico, tokrat pa sem se odločila, da izdelam tagec....seveda v svojem stilu in s sexy KennyK odtiskom :-))


13 komentarjev:

  1. Amazing coloring! Great tag, i'm sure it will be considered a great part of the gift. Thanks for playing along with us at CRAFT Challenge this week!

  2. Ooo, kakšno lepotico si privoščila dragemu, gotovo je bil zadovoljen.

  3. Vse najboljše tvojemu strelcu...ker imam enega velikega strelca tudi sama doma, vem da tale tagec in vse kar je na njem prav paše na njihov značaj.čao

  4. Vse naj naj, saj te obdajajo sami strelci
    čudovit tagec si mu pripravila
    lp :)

  5. Fabulous tag! Looks wonderful on the package. Thanks so much for joining us at Aurora Wings. xxD

  6. Super kulski tagec! vse najboljše tvojmu slavljencu, uživajta in zdrava bodita :)

  7. This is fabulous. Love the image and gorgeous design.
    Thank you for sharing this with us at Fussy and Fsncy.
    Hugs Sharon. X

  8. This is gorgeous thank you for joining us at the WWODTC
    Michelle DT

  9. Absolutely FABULOUS I love it.
    Thank you for entering the World Wide Open Design Team Challenge and best of luck with your entry.
    Please note: We will be holding the "Champions of Champions" DT Challenge in March 2016 for all of the winners from all categories
    from these monthly challenges throughout the year.
    Annette DT Leader for the World Wide Open Design Team Challenge Group

  10. Beautiful tag, thank you for entering it into our Fussy and fancy Challenge and good luck xxx Annie

  11. Fabulous tag, love the image. Thanks for joining us at ABC, we hope you will join us again soon. Meighan DT

  12. Beautiful tag, I like the image, Thank you for joining in with us at the World wide Open Design Team Challenge, Good Luck
    Kevin xx

  13. OH LALA! Very sexy image. Beautiful project.
