ponedeljek, 3. avgust 2015

Stripes or Checks

Na blogu Dream valley imamo nov izziv. Na vaših voščilnicah želimo videti proge ali črte v sreh variantah. Sponzor izziva je doctor-digi. Njihovi digitalni oddtiski so mi zelo všeč, saj so izredno hudomušni in idealni pri izdelavi tematskih voščilnic. Izbrala sem si motiv ribiča.  Izziv želi čim več črt in  sem voščilnico kombinirala s  vzorčastim papirjem, okrasnim trakom iz jute in trakci iz slame.
Pridružite se našemu izzivu in z malo sreče lahko pridete do digitalnih odtiskov našega sponzorja.


16 komentarjev:

  1. What a fun image. You made an awesome card and love the colors. Thanks for sharing with us at Penny's Paper-Crafty.

  2. Če potegnem črto pod to objavo: fantastična voščilnica s simpatičnim ribičem.

  3. I love this card,
    Thanks for joining us at Penny's Paper Crafty, hope to see you again soon
    Hugs Sharon DT

  4. This is so lovely - gorgeous colours and layout - thank you for joining us this time at Penny's Paper-Crafty and good luck - Michelle x

  5. Gorgeous card! Thanks for joining us at Crafts 4 Eternity this week hugs x

  6. Just fabulous, I love Dr Digi's they are so cute.
    Thank you for entering our World Wide Open Design Team Challenge #02 and best of luck with your entry.
    Don't forget, for all winners from all categories in the monthly challenges, will all be eligible for the "Champion of Champions" DT challenge in March 2016. Hope you keep joining our challenges.
    Annette DT Leader

  7. Oh my gosh, I love this! The layout and embellishments you used are fantastic! Thank you so much for entering our challenge at World Wide Open Design Team Challenge Blog Looking forward to see you again soon.
    WWO DT
    Toadally Love To Craft {My Blog}

  8. Čudovita je.
    Takšne tople barve in prisrčen motiv.
    Meni je TOP

  9. What a fum image. You have done a great job on this. Love it. Thanks for sharing at WWODT challenge
    Heather DT

  10. This is gorgeous thank you for joining us at the world wide open DT challenge
    Michelle DT

  11. Gorgeous! Thank you for entering our World Wide Open Design Team Challenge #02 and best of luck with your entry.
    Linda xxx

  12. This is just fabulous! Fun image. Thank you for entering the World Wide Open DT Challenge. Good luck with your entry.
    Vicki DT

  13. What a great card Neva! Thank you for joining us at Incy Wincy this week, good luck! Colette - DT :o)

  14. A neat male card here. Thank you for entering the World Wide Open Design Team Challenge #02 and best of luck with your entry.
    Hugs Andrea DT

  15. Super fun and super great! Thanks for joining us this week at Incy Wincy Designs Challenge Blog! Hope to see you again in our upcoming challenge!
    Karen C

  16. Great card. Thanks so much for joining us over at Emerald Faeries Challenge Blog, good luck and hope to see you again.
    ~ Denise DT ~
