ponedeljek, 10. november 2014


Zelo so mi ljubi odtiski makovih cvetov in jih zato velikokrat uporabim na svojih voščilnicah.  Na internetu sem opazila, da jih barvajo tudi v drugih barvnih kombinacijah in izpadejo zelo lepo…že dolgo časa me mika modra kombinacija.Tudi v naravi rada občudujem makove cvetove ,kako kot baletke plešejo med pšeničnimi klasi. Kot deklica sem jih trgala in in iz njih oblikova punčke( pecelj sem odtrgala, cvetne liste obrnila navzdol in čez potisnila pecelj…makova glavica pa že tako ima obliko glave ). 

Še motiv  s Pinteresta :

Izivi :

12 komentarjev:

  1. Beautiful card, I love how you have coloured this poppy image, it is so pretty and your layout i lovely. Thank you for sharing your work with all of us at Crafty Boots Challenges.


  2. What a pretty poppy card. I love the dimension you achieved with the colouring. So nice to see a poppy card around Remembrance Day.
    Carol x

  3. Fabulous card. The colouring of your poppies is superb. Thanks for joining in at Crafty Boots Challenges this time.

  4. To jekrasen kartica . Ki ste jih pobarvala sliko lepo . Včasih sem google translate , da ta tip , tako da, če to nima smisla, žal mi je. :)

  5. Beautiful card! The poppies look amazing with your coloring! Thank you for joining our "Anything Goes" Challenge at Love to Create this week.
    Ruza ~ LTC Admin/Designer
    Ruza's Craft Corner

  6. Fabulous card! Thanks for joining us at Crafts 4 Eternity this week hugs x

  7. gorgeous image! Thanks for joining us at CraftyCatz. Kim x

  8. Beautiful coloring and design! Thank you for joining us at Sweet Stampin' Challenge this week :)
    Thordis xx

  9. Very pretty card, thank you for sharing with the Sweet Stampin' Challenge.

    Warm hugs

  10. beautiful image end coloring....bellissima Thanks for joining us at Love to create
    Hugs Tiziana

  11. I love your beautiful poppies, the colouring is gorgeous! Thank you for sharing your card with us at Crafty Boots Challenges.

  12. Hi

    This is just to let you know that you have been placed in the Crafty Boots 'Remembrance' Challenge. Many congratulations.

    We are offering the winner and runners up of this challenge Guest Design Team spots for our 5 January challenge. Please contact me on CraftyBootsDT@gmx.co.uk if you would like more information about the challenge.

    Don't forget to collect a copy of the Crafty Boots Challenge badge from our blog.


