sobota, 11. oktober 2014

Best friend

Motiv deklice s pismom sem že dolgo nazaj našla na spletu. Seveda sem se  takoj lotila barvanja ne da bi pomislila kakšne kombinacije bodo potem nastale na voščilnici...S sestavoin kombinacijo  sem imela kar nekaj težav. Viola /rdeča !!? Rešuje me samo to, da sem flikice na kolenih in srčke pobarvala rdeče.

Voščilnico prijavljam na izziv Sweet Stampinc za DT člana saj tam želijo voščilnico za prijatelja 
Prijavljam jo še na izzive :

11 komentarjev:

  1. I'm glad you are sharing your project & creativity at 613 Ave C! Love the coloring you have done and the stitching - especially on her jeans! Nicely done design!
    ~ginny, DT for 613 Ave Create Challenge #92 Anything Goes/no twist
    RubberMAD (

  2. So vey pretty and love the cute little envelope..gorgeous card.
    Thanks so much for joining in with us at Crafty Little Fairies

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  3. Pa ti si tako pridna z objavami, da te komaj dohajam. Spet občudujem tvoje barvanje. Super voščilnica in prav nič ni videti, da bi imela kakšne težave pri sestavljanju. Lp

  4. Beautiful card. Sweet image and lovely design, perfect for our 'friends' challenge at Sweet Stampin'.

  5. Barve so lepe in sestavila si jo tudi zelo lepo. Lp

  6. Hi!
    This is such a pretty card. I love your gorgeous image & your colouring is fantastic. Pretty flowers too. Thanks for joining us at Passion For Promarkers this week.
    Andie xx

  7. What a great card.
    Thank you for joining us at The Paper Shelter blog.
    Hugs, Marianne

  8. pretty card.. love the colour combo.. and your colouring is superb.. :D thank you for sharing it with us at Art by MiRan challenge #16.. good luck ;)


  9. This is a beautiful creation with great details. Love the colours and embellishments. All the elements work so well together. It is perfect for our 16th ‘ANYTHING GOES’ challenge. Thanks for sharing your talent with us. Good luck.
    {Art by Miran Showcase DT Member}
    {Would love you to visit my blog and join my 1,000 Follower Give-Away. Thank you so much, if you have already entered, and good luck.}
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  10. WOW! This is gorgeous! Your coloring of the image is outstanding...and the overall design of this card is perfect!

    Thank you for participating in the Sweet Stampin' For a Friend Challenge!
